The Best Part of Being Alive

Two thoughts have been burning in my heart for the past two months.

The world is in prison with a zombie identity (Ephesians 2), looking for life and for healing – they will never find it apart from Christ. Jesus came to bring life from death, he came to change our identity – give us a true relationship and to give life to the full. This relationship is all Jesus's doing – allowing us an opportunity for confession and true forgiveness, true healing, and loved completely. Don’t only run from sin, but run TO Jesus. To run only from sin is to run aimlessly, it will track you down. Run to Jesus, the only source for healing and strength in our weakness.

The Gospel story is incomplete if we don’t carry the heart of healing into the world. This is not a "law" statement at its heart. I believe we miss out on the deepest joy and most complete realization of the work of Christ – that we would be conformed to the image of Christ, weeping over brokenness, sacrificing our lives to bring the healing of God’s Grace so that we and others can dance on God’s great dance floor. This is not a “you’re not saved if you don’t do this”, but it’s a “you’re missing the best part of being alive” if you miss the heart for healing and celebration that Jesus had himself and transplanted in us.

Oh that we would wake up every day with that heart. To make known the mile markers of faithfulness to the generations and the world around you – sharing the great love, healing, and hope of the God who is faithful (Psalm 89:1-2).