We are excited to welcome our guest speaker, Emily Krill, for the Awake and Alive annual summer one day event Sunday evening June 9th from 5pm - 10pm. Enjoy a Chipotle dinner, guest presenter Emily Krill, community groups and evening vespers! Registration information is coming shortly. Here's what you can expect from this year's presenter:

"I Am Built: Exploring Your God-Given Strengths"

Description: In the Bible it says that YOU are God's masterpiece. Do you believe that? I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: it's much easier to believe it when you explore WHAT KIND of masterpiece you are. I am talking about understanding your strengths and the unique, amazing way God made you in His image and for His purpose. Let's talk about it.

Bio: Emily Krill is a Kingdom-minded woman who wears many hats. She is a wife, mom of five boys, singer for the CCM band His Way, and writer for Time of Grace ministry. She is also the founder and facilitator of the ministry Messy Worship out of which she offers Christian life coaching, public speaking, and writes blogs that help people discover their God-given strengths and learn how to connect better with God in the everyday messy moments of life.